Friday, March 20, 2009

New Update on Apple's life

I know I have recently been absent from blogging, and Apple has been pretty mad at me about it because she wants to keep in touch with her furry blogging friends! So here I am trying to make it up to her:

first I want to tell everyone that I have a new boyfriend! yay!! I dont know if anyone remembers my blog about the training class with 5 dachshunds in it... but after hanging out at the dog park with Gus and his dad Nick, we kept going out on dates and seeing each other :3 which has now progressed into a really awesome relationship!! woohoo. So in a way, Apple has gained a new brother of some sort, Gus! (the 2 year old, long hair black and tan)  Apple and Gus get along really well, as I am blogging this they are currently sleeping together under the covers in bed, hehe. It's been fun watching them together because the personalities of the long hair dachshund and the smooth hair dachshund are so different. From what I've noticed (not just with Gus but other long hair dachshunds as well) is that they seem to be more "chill" at times, yes they get crazy too but they like to have their down time as well. Some of them will let you hold them however you'd like, Apple just squirms around. I guess the best way to describe how I feel about long hairs are like noodles, haha. The smooth hair dachshunds seem to always be in crazy hyper mode unless it's bed time or feeding time. But regaurdless I still love them all!!! It's pretty awesome having a boyfriend that has the same love for dacshunds as I do! Now I don't feel all obsessive :3 It's also fun because that means more dachshunds are in my life!! Nick is a really nice guy, I will post up some pictures of him and Gus later on.

Also, the pictures you have seen of the new dachshund puppies, yes they are very very cute. My friend Samantha (Henry, Oliver, and Otis's mom) bought Bailey, the long hair red. And Christine from the training class that I taught with 5 dachshunds is going to buy Roary and I will go with her on the 30th of this month (March) to go pick her up. Carolyn offered me to take Satchamoe home for free because she know's that I would provide a great home to him, but I wanted to think on it because puppies are a lot of work, and speaking of work, I have been working a lot!! so I knew that I would have to decline her offer, which is sad because I would LOVE to have another puppy. But before I refused I went home and talked to my roommate and reassured him that I wouldn't be taking Satchamoe in, but Ethan (roommate) then said that he wanted him, and that he had the time to take care of a puppy!! So I called Carolyn and told her that I would love to take Satchamoe. Later that night we picked him up and we've had him for about 5 days now I wanna say, he is soooooooooooo cute!! I will take lots of pictures of him too so you all can watch him grow up!! What is really cool is that his tan points are Brindled!! Sadly Ethan doesn't like the name Satchamoe so he is trying to think of a new one, so I've been calling him "little man"

Apple recently turned 1 year old on March 1st!! Nick and I brought Gus and Apple to petsmart and let her pick out a toy. She chose the fleece giraffe and tore out his cotton innards in about 5 minutes once we got back home!! For a while he was just a skin being tugged over between Apple and Gus, and then 2 weeks later I noticed that Apple had something in her mouth (she wasn't choking on it) and she dropped it when she saw me looking down at her and all I could do was laugh, it was the giraffe's head!! she decapitated him! I think I laughed for at least 5 minutes, tears came out a little and my side cramped. It was really funny to me. After my laugh attack, I picked up the remains of the giraffe and threw it away. so now he is gone forever!! sadly.

oh back onto the topic of work: I've only had 1 day off of work for the past month which means I have had little time at home to play with Simon and Dolly, and work on their socialization and mental trauma. I decided that it was for the best to give them up to furbaby-rescue so they could be with someone that had all the time in the world to give to them. It was really hard to do, but they can't come with me to work, and I didn't like knowing that I had little time to work with them so I found a lady who was more than happy to take them in. They promised that they would tell their new pet parents (when adopted) about their sister Apple and that her mommy works at petsmart, so we can keep the family in touch, and have puppy play dates.

so I am working on getting better about blogging again, and hopefully I will be as dedicated as I was before but I cant make promises because I am pretty busy at this moment in time, but I will try to blog at least once a week!!

Apple and Mommy

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been really bad about blogging lately. A lot of things have been going on in my life, so now that it's all sorted I should be blogging actively again :D Apple misses everyone!!!

On friday ( March 13th ) Samantha and I took some friends ( Nick, Christine, and Sebastian ) with us over to visit Carolyn again and see the puppies. They have grown SOOO much, it was hard to believe. Roary is still the biggest pup in the litter ( the brindle ) but Bailey is now the smallest (The red) and Satchamoe is now the middle sized pup ( black and tan ). They have quite the personality, Bailey seemed to be the one that had the most spunk, like a little firecracker. She was quite the talker too. Roary had fun trying to escape, and I just couldn't let Satchamoe go! I was offered to take him in for free, because Carolyn know's me well, but I just dont see myself being able to commit myself fully to such a young puppy. But I am happy to say that Samantha will be taking Bailey home to join her other three dachshunds: [Henry, Oliver, and Otis] on March 22nd. Also Christine and Sebastian will be taking Roary home on March 30th!  I cant wait to see them all grow up, it's too cute!!

I promise to update on Apple soon! Sorry everyone